Shakespeare Resonances

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An Amber Ensemble
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'Shakespeare Resonances' contains thirteen original, contemporary instrumentals and songs. Six instrumentals open the album followed by seven tracks that contain some of Shakespeare’s most poetic, well-known, and insightful prose. The quality of some of the compositions has been reviewed previously in the music press as being ‘splendidly ambitious Early Music-tinged’ and the five highly experienced musicians, working together for this project as An Amber Ensemble, ensure an eclectic, beautifully played and entertaining album. The inspiration for the music and songs has been drawn from Shakespeare’s plays The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard II, Cymbeline, Henry VIII, The Merchant of Venice, and Timon of Athens. The selection of seven songs in the second part of the album may be particularly interesting to anyone who has yet to fully discover the colossal and rich heritage contained in Shakespeare’s thirty-six published plays. If you are listening to the album from the start and in sequence; Part One comprises all the instrumental tracks and Part Two, the songs.

Profits from the whole project will support Ruby Heart, an organization that provides bereavement assistance and support, as part of the Feminenza International charity. We also express deep thanks to the Template Foundation for providing financial support for the project and Macarena Mata Porras director of Eminent Productions for facilitating and contributing to the release of the album through their website and platform.


'Splendidly ambitious Early Music-tinged that includes poetry from Shakespeare's The Life of King Henry VII' (R2 Magazine)

'The music has a haunting quality ' (John, London Youth Symphony Orchestra)

'Expansive and yet settling music, beautiful chord sequences' (Michelle, NZ)

'Rich and uplifting melodies' (Graham, Surrey)

'Thank you for the great music' (Anne, Hertfordshire)

Track Listing


1. Amber Resonance – Nigel guitar; Gavin violin and viola; Bryan synth; composed by Nigel.

2. Courtly Dance – Bryan guitar, drum, and synth; Gavin violin and viola; composed by Bryan.

3. Orpheus Overture – Bryan and Nigel guitar; Gavin orchestra programming; composed by Bryan.

4. Simple Harmonies – Michael guitar; Geraldine ukelele; Gavin violin, viola, and cello; Bryan synth; composed by Michael and Geraldine.

5. The Way of the Rose – Richard guitar; Bryan synth; composed by Richard.

6. Amber Alchemy – Bryan rhythm guitar and synth; Gavin bass, lead electric and acoustic guitars; composed by Bryan.

Songs and Prose

7. Our Revels Now Are Ended – Bryan guitar and vocal; Gavin violin/viola; Shakespeare prose; composed by Bryan.

8. This Royal Seat of Kings - Bryan guitar and vocal and synth; Gavin orchestra programming, recorder; Shakespeare prose; composed by Bryan.

9. Fear No More - Bryan rhythm guitar, vocal and synth; Gavin bass, lead electric and acoustic guitars ; Shakespeare prose; composed by Bryan.

10. Unseen and Yet Seeing - Bryan guitar and vocal and synth; Gavin bass, lead electric guitar; composed by Bryan and Nigel.

11. Quality of Mercy - Michael guitar; Geraldine ukelele; Bryan vocal and synth; Shakespeare prose; composed by Michael and Geraldine

12. The Sun’s a Thief - Richard guitar; Bryan vocal and synth; Shakespeare prose; composed by Richard.

13. The Song of Orpheus - Bryan guitar and vocal; Nigel guitar; Gavin orchestra programming; Shakespeare prose; composed by Bryan.

To Order

  1. Download complete 13 tracks digital album £9.99 from this website
  2. By Post 13 track CD with colour booklet £11.99 (incl p&p) Email your order to: and we will send payment details.
01. Amber Resonance - Sample
02. Courtly Dance - Sample
03. Orpheus Overture - Sample
04. Simple Harmonies - Sample
05. The Way of the Rose - Sample
06. Amber Alchemy - Sample
07. Our Revels Now Are Ended - Sample
08. This Royal Seat of Kings - Sample
09. Fear No More - Sample
10. Unseen and Yet Seeing - Sample
11. Quality of Mercy - Sample
12. The Sun s A Thief - Sample
13 The Song of Orpheus - Sample

About the


Six Musicians make up this ensemble: Bryan Ritz, Gavin Beckwith, Nigel Wesson, Richard Ellin, Geraldine and Michael Cleaver

Bryan Ritz is an author of Shakespeare fiction for younger readers, originally conceived the album and as well as composing, speaking, and singing, also plays guitar and synthesizer.

Gavin Beckwith is a founder member of Mosaic Orchestra and multi-instrumentalist who not only contributes keyboards, violin, viola, recorder, acoustic, electric, and bass guitars, but also his invaluable musical experience throughout, as producer and engineer for the album.

Nigel Wesson is a singer-songwriter, and folk music pioneer as part of the burgeoning live music scene in London from the late 1960s, contributes splendid acoustic guitar and composition to three tracks.

Richard Ellin is a prodigious songwriter, and music magazine publisher brings his contemplative style of composing skills to the album, playing guitar and writing two tracks.

Geraldine Cleaver is an exponent of meditational music through baritone ukulele.

Michael Cleaver also contributes with Geraldine as a duo playing and writing two tracks for the project; and plays classical guitar.

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